Tuesday, July 7, 2020

Jojo Rabbit Movie Review : A bold film that hits you hard

Review: Johannes Betzler (Roman Griffin Davis) is nicknamed ‘Jojo Rabbit’ at the Hitler Youth Camp since he is considered a coward for not being to kill a rabbit, as part of the training process. In an attempt to prove otherwise, he takes a wild shot with a hand grenade, which explodes scarring his face and crippling a leg. The camp is run by Captain Klenzendorf (Sam Rockwell), who fondly remembers his days at war before he was injured and relegated to training young Nazi boys, and his associate Fraulein Rahm (Rebel Wilson).

Disappointed that he wasn’t able to live up to his own expectations and with his father away at war, Jojo turns to his imaginary friend, 'Adolf Hitler' (Taika Waititi), for encouragment. Jojo’s already established fanatic beliefs and indoctrination are further fuelled by this friend’s pep talks.

However, Jojo now does odd voluntary jobs like putting up pamphlets of Hitler since he isn’t fit for the army anymore. And as he spends more time at home to recover, he stumbles upon noises in his sister’s room and soon finds out that his mother, Rosie (Scarlett Johansson) has kept a Jewish girl hidden there. Elsa (Thomasin McKenzie), a 17-year-old, has been staying in a small box room behind a false wall, in isolation.

At first, Jojo tries to shun her and seriously considers turning her in, to the Gestapo but he realises his mother would get in to trouble if he were to do that. So grudgingly, and as advised by the Fuhrer to play mind games with her, he begins small conversations with her, till he can figure out what to do.

Some of ‘Jojo Rabbit’s’ best satirical moments come through with Taika Waititi’s portrayal as Adolf Hitler and his conversations with Jojo. It drives home the shocking and disturbing extent to which children were brainwashed with the Nazi rhetoric, leaving them with nothing but blind faith and deep seated prejudice. Even Jojo and Rosie’s conversations are potent – putting forth how ultimately humanity is lost in the bargain. Unfortunately Jojo extent of knowledge is limited to what he has learnt in school – which has taught him that Jews are inhuman, have horns and other such hyperbole.

As the second hour of the film explores Rosie's relationship with her son, and Jojo and Elsa also begin to form a friendship, the emotional quotient of the film is heightened. Taika Waititi’s deft screenplay and direction will take the audience through a gamut of contradictory emotions - a deep sense of irony, laughter and a lot of tears. The visual style and color palette are reminiscent of a Wes Anderson film, especially as the Beatles song,"I want to hold your hand", plays out in German as the film opens.

Roman Griffin Davis is spectacular as Jojo as he navigates the emotional range that his character demands. Scarlett Johansson is delicate and vibrant as Rosie. But as one finds out there is much more to her than meets the eye and Johansson beautifully conveys her state of mind as the last days of the Second World War close in. At one point knowing what indoctrination has done to her kid she sighs, "Yet there is hope. Hope that your only remaining child is not a ghost." Thomasin McKenzie puts in a stellar performance and her haunting presence and piercing eyes will stay with you. Archie Yates stands out as Yorki, Jojo's only other friend with whom he shares a special bond.

While the tonality of 'Jojo Rabbit' is in parts quirky, funny and heartwarming, as the layers unfold it's the moving and poignant moments of the film that really stand out – like when Jojo and his mother find people hung to death at the town square, and he asks her, “What did they do?”. She tells him, “They did what they could.” The meaning of which he only understands much later coupled with a heartwreching scene. And when Elsa, cooped up in the box room, tells Jojo that what she misses most is the freedom to dance. Even Elsa and Rosie’s conversation about what women do out in the world is unforgettable. As does the recurring motif of tying shoelaces that gives expression to Jojo's transition from boyhood.

While 'Jojo Rabbit' is in many ways a coming-of-age film, with its satirical stance it is also an audacious one. It's a film that hits hard and makes for an overwhelming cinematic experience with the mix of conflicting emotions that it throws open


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