Tuesday, July 7, 2020

Remember Amnesia Movie Review : This film is best left unseen fd

Review: The cause and effect of mental deficit - Amnesia - has been used as a trope in several films to great upshot, in both funny as well as tragic ways. Sadly, it doesn’t work at all in 'Remembering Amnesia'. In theory, this dramedy seems to have ticked the right boxes, but what in reality, it is a product that hardly ever manages to make you laugh or evoke a sense of sympathy for the central character - Dr. Jai (Dileep Rao). However, the romantic track is slightly more interesting than the comedy angle, but then again, it remains under explored.

Shruti Marathe as Dr. Nina delivers a decent performance, but powerhouse performers like Mahesh Manjrekar and Vijay Patkar (as supporting actors) do not get to present their acting skills in an adequate fashion.

There is a mild twist that's introduced to the plot of this otherwise average film and it works to a reasonable extent, but director Ravi Godse has given that away frivolously. Had he held on to it and explored the same to its full potential, 'Remembering Amnesia' could have been a stronger story with an impactful ending. Unfortuantely, that is not the case here.


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