Tuesday, July 7, 2020


Review: In 'Shoplifters', Kore-eda paints the heartwarming picture of a family living in poverty, stealing to make ends meet and yet closely knit together and empathetic. They live in a cramped home, jostling for space and are seen meeting as a family over dinner, slurping down noodle soup and croquettes- bought from a street food stall. This tiny living space belongs to Grandma Hatsue (Kirin Kiki) and it’s also her pension that somewhat helps the family stay afloat, along with each one’s odd job. Osamu’s wife Nobuyo (Sakura Ando) is employed at a laundry, Aki (Mayu Matsuoka) works at a peep show parlor and he is a daily wage construction worker, indisposed due to an accident. But ultimately, it’s shoplifting of everyday items, groceries and food that keeps them going. And in this expertise Osamu (Lily Franky) takes the lead, with young Shota (Jyo Kairi) under his wing. Osamu creates the distraction while Shota steals and makes a run for it. He reasons to Shota that things in a shop don’t belong to anyone yet so it’s all right to take them.In fact, it’s evident that the Shibata’s are nonchalant about shoplifting as a way of life when Shota is casually told by Nobuyo over dinner to make sure he picks up some shampoo for her the next time.

And on one such night, little Yuri (Miyu Sasaki) is brought home by Osamu. The family welcomes her warmly for some hot dinner, especially Grandma Hatsue who fusses over her and to her horror discovers several scars on Yuri's body. When Osamu and Nobuyo take Yuri back to the street she has been picked up from to drop her at her doorstep, voices of a couple fighting bitterly emanate from the apartment, confirming the emotional and physical abuse she has faced from her parents. Noboyu decides to bring Yuri back home with her justifying to Osamu and herself that they have not kidnaped the little girl, since they haven’t asked for a ransom.

As Yuri begins to join Osamu and Shota on their shoplifting jaunts, Shota is at first resentful of her but soon there is an unspoken bond that develops between the two. Much like a brother and sister. When walking home one day they spot some kids going to school, he tells her helpfully, “School is for children who don’t learn anything at home.”

And as Nobuyo and Yuri’s bond grow deeper almost like a mother and child, on a picture perfect family outing to the beach, she reiterates to Hatsue “Sometimes it’s better to choose your own family.”

However nothing is as it seems in the Shibata family as Kore-eda’s nuanced and complex narrative begins to unravel itself. As the film draws to a climax astonishing secrets hidden within the family tumble out one after another. And things begin to piece together or rather collapse. Through his poignant, contemplative and potent screenplay Kore-eda cuts open societal hypocrisy and questions family structures as popularly accepted. The visual narrative of Shoplifters is equally powerful – extreme tight close ups, constricted spaces, a recurring motif of food, the visibly changing seasons – from frosty cold nights to hot summer days, the family’s coping mechanisms. And as the film explores moral ambiguity, every character of this dysfunctional family touches a chord. The performances by Kirin Kiri, Lily, Sakura Ando and Mayu Matsuoka are heartfelt and brilliant. But it’s the two children - Jyo Kairi and Miyu Sasaki - who are outstanding and leave the maximum impact, refusing to leave your mind even long after you’ve seen the film.

Hirokazu Kore-eda’s 'Shoplifters' is a layered, textured film and a definite must watch. Make time for it.


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